My partner in crime in all things clumsy and fun. My sister, Jasmin and me. I mean everyone needs a stand up comical side-kick, right?
SPILL THE TEQUILA SIS! I’m so nervous about this announcement *Takes deep breath*
As mentioned in my recent LIVE in my Facebook Reader Group Kia Carrington-Russell’s Token Readers my sister, Jasmin and I have decided to do an interview for my YouTube channel, where she’ll have a poke at playing the interviewer and I’ll be the interviewee. (Scary times) Most of you already know that my sister and I are close, rather lively, and goofy at the best of times. So of course she wanted to up the stakes. She’s going to ask a mixture of your questions and her own (the latter being the one’s I’m nervous about) And if I don’t answer I have to take a shot of Tequila… SEND HELP!
So please be kind…. and reply with any questions you have. Like I said, it’s not your questions I’m nervous about but a certain someone’s. But I’m willing to answer them all just to avoid going red faced and boozy on camera haha
Also, if you follow me on Tik Tok, you might’ve seen recently I’m slightly more active. That’s because I’ve given myself a 30 Day Tik Tok Challenge to upload a video every day. So if you’re a lover of Tik Tok, please don’t be shy to follow or tag me in bookish things that you love at @kia_crystal .
I hope you’re doing well and if you would like to check out that LIVE video in my reader group with numerous announcements for upcoming events, giveaways, dancing to my current fave song, and the upcoming Facebook Party Release party jam packed with two day’s of amazing authors. Some of which you might already know.
Kia’s Facebook Reader Group: Kia Carrington-Russell’s Token Readers
Talk soon!
Kia Carrington-Russell xx