★★★ What’s your life motto? ★★★

What’s your life motto? One of my favourite questions to ask in my ‘Speed Dating with an Author’ segment for my YouTube Channel is: What’s your life motto? I always find it interesting hearing the different responses and the guideline people use to drive their life. Often, a lot of them don’t have an answer straight away but when they think on it, there’s an old inspirational post they saw somewhere; words of wisdom from a friend; a song lyric; or ever a scene in a movie- that really stuck with them.

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COVER REVEAL TOKEN DARKNESS. He’d claimed me before I’d even understood its power or force. “And I will continue to do so.” He curled his hand around my throat in a possessive manner as he tilted my head back slightly. I hissed in anticipation for the kiss I’d been longing for. Not touching Chase or being a part of his euphoria was a starvation I never wanted to know again.

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★★★ The Power of Letting Go ★★★

I was so moved by this moment as she freed herself from the chains she’d allowed them to have over her for over a decade, only to realise she wasn’t weakened because of them; but her own inability to deal with the wrong doing and pushing past it which enabled the same powerless feeling over and over again. We’re all strong in our own unique way- I genuinely believe that. And writing this passage, being in her mind and feeling that emotional release was such an empowering moment for myself and it had me thinking, who or what do I let hold power over me?

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★★★ How did you and your best friend meet? ★★★

I think we so often look for love in a romantic partner, but I think there is nothing more powerful than the love of a best friend and supportive friendship. She was Canadian. I was Australian. We met living abroad in Scotland. She was a chef. I was an author. We met in a little café by the docks. We were both dreamers focused on our career and artistic goals. It was the birth of the ultimate friendship.

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★★★ Hello Divine Inspiration- Where did you come from? ★★★

I’m really curious as to where you receive your ‘Aha’ moment or suddenly have divine inspiration for the muse or question that’s been badgering you in the back of your mind for days? Do they randomly strike you in the dead of the night? Does it break your ‘oh so even tone’ in the shower belting out to your favourite song? Does it spark when you’re upside down in downward dog?

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